Serve in Church

For Website


The Acolyte Team assists the clergy with worship, acting as a Server, Crucifer, or Torch Bearer. Everyone in 3rd grade and above (nine years old) are welcome to become an Acolyte. Our Acolytes are an integral part of our Holy Communion Services. Not only do they assist our clergy, but they also enhance the overall experience during worship. Training is held as needed.


Altar Guild

The Altar Guild is responsible for setting up services at St. Thomas. Services include: Sunday morning service, baptisms, weddings, funerals and other holy days. Setting up entails: filling candles, setting up vessels and linens for communion, setting out altar and gospel books, setting out offering plates and setting up hymn boards. Those who volunteer to serve on Altar Guild are asked to serve one weekend each month. If you are assigned for a Sunday service you are asked to come in on Saturday morning at 8:30 a.m. (for about an hour) to prepare the altar for Sunday.



Greeters are very important at St. Thomas! They are the first people you see when you come in the doors and the last people on your way out. We are always looking for new friendly volunteers who love to connect with people. Greeters are there to welcome guests, greet each person with a smile, pass out Sunday morning bulletins and offer guidance to anyone who may have a question.


Altar Flower

As a way of honoring our commitment to God and to decorate our Lord’s table, our Flower Ministry creates beautiful bouquets of fresh flowers for each worship service. If you are  gifted at arranging flowers or would like to learn we welcome you to serve in this way.


Lay Eucharistic Ministers

Our Lay Eucharistic Ministers, (LEMS) are important participant in our worship.  They read the scriptures for the Sunday services including the Old Testament reading, the Epistle, the Prayers of the People, and sometimes the spoken Psalm. In addition to the readings, the LEMS participate in the Holy Communion. The Holy Communion is celebrated every Sunday. LEMS are the welcoming hosts of the Holy Communion and assist the clergy by bearing the chalice and serving the wine at the altar rail. LEMS are required to attend a training session and become licensed.



Ushers are people who help to ensure a smooth Sunday morning service. Ushers help with guiding guests to seats, greeting people as they walk in the sanctuary, holding open the sanctuary doors, collecting the offering and guiding the congregation during communion. The duties usually include greeting people as they arrive for the service, assisting people with special needs, and collecting the offering.



To see our full list of musical offerings, visit our music ministry page.

For more information, contact the church office.

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