Path to Membership

Thank you for your interest in membership at St. Thomas!

There are several steps along the path to membership. We want you to take these steps as you are ready, knowing that you are welcomed here no matter where you are in this journey.

  1. Attend worship. We encourage you to come and visit us, meet some people, attend some classes and events, and see if our church is a fit for you.
  2. Get to know us. Stop by our Welcome Table at church and meet Sarah Anderson, our Member & Growth Coordinator. If you like, arrange to have a coffee or lunch with one of our clergy, they’d love to meet you. Attend one of our quarterly New Member Dinners, where you can learn about the vision and history of our church and get to meet other people new to the church.
  3. Join St. Thomas. This can be done by filling out our Membership Profile Sheet. If you are coming from another Episcopal Church, this is when we transfer you from their church to ours.
  4. Baptism and Confirmation. This may or may not be a needed step for you. If you have already been baptized, no need to get baptized again. If not, this is an important step in you being not just a member of our local church, but in the church universal. Confirmation is when our Bishop prays for you to be empowered for ministry in the church. If you have been confirmed in the Episcopal church already, no need to do it again. If you have been confirmed in another church (like the Roman Catholic, Lutheran or Methodist Churches), you can be “received” into the Episcopal church by our Bishop. Confirmation classes happen once a year, in the weeks leading up to our Bishop’s visit.
  5. Be a leader. “Confirmed communicants in good standing” is a term our church uses as a requirement to be in certain leadership positions in the church, like being a member of the Vestry or a delegate to our Diocesan Council.

We welcome you on your journey! For questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Sarah Anderson or one of our clergy.

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